BlackBerryTorch9800 multi-mapanalytical through a allembracing comprehension of blackberry BlackBerry 9800
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Related Black Berry Torch 9800.
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Recommend Black Berry Torch 9800.
August 3 is bound to be big day for BlackBerry, BlackBerry Torch 9800 and the valid publish Os 6, let's dizzying.The most recent BlackBerry Torch 9800 operating system with Os 6, and is the first BlackBerry slider, touch and full keyboard, the ultra beautiful combination of products, from Rim officially announced the flagship BlackBerry Torch 9800 since, along with assorted domestic and international Cctvmedia have given the full concentration and coverage, impact of course is not small.Today editor for everybody to bring more than one chart analysis, the hope it will not let you fatigue.
Positive first-come a photograph agreeing to Torch 9800
Continue blackberry all keyboard design
U.S. Movable operator At & T is Rim Torch 9800 phone's exclusive carrier, Torch 9800 by Rim's most recent BlackBerry Os 6 system.BlackBerry 9800 Torch is the world's first full touch screen with integrated contact and features a full keyboard BlackBerry smart phones.Browse the Internet, you can use the pilotage touch pad to contact with the visual zoom in or make online surfing more smooth, it can be said, BlackBerry Torch allows the user to carry out any way they want to communicate.
The appearance of a new generation of back cover
Slide, you'll hear the crisp sound
Experience the full touch screen and full keyboard smart phone
Blackberry has always been full Qwerty keyboard
Is not feeling a diminutive twins?
Twins?We look at the next turn
BlackBerry Os 6 system will furnish the first full-screen BlackBerry browser, and group network integration and the general hunt services.BlackBerry Torch 9800 using a 3.2-inch 480 × 360 resolution touch screen, built-in 500-megapixel autofocus camera.
480 ×360 resolution touch screen
500 megapixel autofocus camera
Hardware configuration from the point of view, 512Mb of memory so you will not worry about speed, retain for 802.11b/g/n also allow you to contact the 300Mb / s limit of network connection, users can pick either capacitive touch screen input of information, but alsocan pick the BlackBerry is easy to use full keyboard, 95 and 97 series combines all the advantages of the king of this listing also marks the carrying out of Rim on the entertainment stage with the progress of the development
Full touch screen and full keyboard smart phone
Full touch screen and full keyboard smartphone
More details of the appearance of BlackBerry Torch 9800
Details of the full keyboard: many of my friends worry about sliding full keyboard BlackBerry operating contact and feel exactly what we think the actual contact of his Shangqie good, because the length of the fuselage and slide open, the thickness of the arc and other factors, not as straightBlackBerry full keyboard to the board cleanly.
Torch 9800 full keyboard, the key size as the 9700
Details of the mute and standby buttons: the top is still the mute button and the standby key, slider button in the lower, improve texture, feel good
ãEureur Mute key and the standby button at the top
Details of interface design: BlackBerry models and the allembracing shape of the side buttons are exquisite combination of the right to 3.5mm headphone jack, volume keys and the shutter button, the left MicroUsb Interface
Body MicroUsb Interface
3.5mmheadphone jack, volume keys and the shutter button
Details of the Sim plug mode: the same eternal, Sim card does not retain hot-plug (big brother wore it because the battery...).Picture Talk, insert the Sim card is very easy to pull out although there is no similar boost like 9100 design, but the thing is not too difficult.
Overall produce of the battery compartment
Sim cards have a black form at the top of the cushion, laminated floor in the usual software location, the memory card operation, the need to turn up the cushion, paste into the card flat floor together.Padded insert card slot at the top position just to fill the vacant place, so the memory card can be assured of a good place to stay plugged.Overall, I think that this produce saves space.
Slot soft pads
9800 Sim card slot and best than 9700
Beijing October 15, 2009, Rim the firm released a new Movable phone in Germany, BlackBerry 9700, some habitancy used to call this phone Bold 2.Xiao Bian remember the 9700 appearance as the new generation to replace the flagship 9000 Movable phone, upgrade to the primary trackball pilotage touch panel TrackBall TrackPad, greatly improve the life of the touchpad.Now, 9700 could not fly the young Torch 9800 instead become the king of the most recent generation.
appearance of the inequity between9800 and 9700
9800's screen size and resolution consistent with the 9700, with the 480 × 360 screen.Display and fine level is still quite good, just wondering why did not Rim will be upgraded to the mainstream of the Wvga screen level.9500 have used the touch screen on that hydraulic headache, but fortunately this method is useless in touch blackberry 9800, its use of the most recent SurePress touch screen technology.
9800 Pk 9700 inequity in the middle of screen size
We are here to explain what is SurePress easy touch-screen technology, simply, is to gradually press and can not be confirmed, but need to hold down the hard part of the icon screen, so bring the whole screen to faultless the confirmation.Supports multi-touch, we can control like a BlackBerry as the iPhoneoperation9800 Pk 9700 no much inequity in the middle of the back shell design
9800 pilotage key to continuation of the advanced pilotage touch panel TrackPad.In expanding to the efficacy of some innovation, it is clear that many habitancy took the lead in new technology like this, this technology allows the BlackBerry's pilotage keys to life extension
9800 Pk 9700 pilotage with touch panels for the TrackPad
9800 Pk 9700 Comparative full keyboard
Contrast top of the body
9800 Pk 9700 Movable phone is similar to the thickness of
Because smaller screen, so the allembracing size of the BlackBerry 9800 is not large, 111 x 62 size or even smaller than 9700, you can see the width of the BlackBerry 9800 Movable phone is larger, thus expanding the feeling, especiallyQwerty keyboard can feel better, which is important for wid
e-body design
9800 Pk 9700 Dimensions similar
9800 Pk 9700 Movable phone is similar to the width
Although the increase Qwerty keyboard, but the BlackBerry 9800 and BlackBerry 9700 will not be thicker than the number, 14.6mm thickness at the Qwerty keyboard, the smart engine was thought about more moderate size, 161 grams of weight are basically similar with the BlackBerry 9700, BlackBerry seems toefforts in the hand, and many, because of its need to attract the primary BlackBerry users, with the older models remain similar size and weight is inevitable
9800 Pk 9700 Movable phone is similar to the thickness
9800 Pk 9700 Movable phone is similar to the thickness of
9800 compared with other phones
9800 Pk iPhone 4 "is not successful, they pay the price," the sad
If Rim can not be the last trump card to turn things around, it should be the "New York Times" commented said, Rim of course is twilight, and ended the era of the Blackberry.
9800 Pk iPhone 4 "is not successful, they pay the price," the sad
9800 Pk iPhone 4 "is not successful, they pay the price," the sad
9800 Pk Htc Evo 4G
Meanwhile, the Google Android operating system based on the new phone seems to have began to emerge.They gave Rim brought a lot of trouble.Last year, eroded since the iPhone and Android phones key North American shop since Rim, Rim's sales fell 14%.
9800 Pk Htc Evo 4G
9800 Pk Htc Evo 4G
9800 Pk Samsung i897 are afraid of a rival iPhone4
Samsung i9000 Galaxy S will have the new listing of all regions in the world, but this phone in the hands of distinct operators, will also inaugurate a customized version of the difference, i897 as At & T revised i9000.Galaxy S this model as Samsung's top models, of course does not lose its configuration other brand flagship.Android phones can be called a top.
9800 Pk Samsung i897 are afraid of a rival iPhone4
9800 Pk iPhone4 Samsung i897 are afraid of a rival love you to the bone
apart BlackBerry 9800 Torch
Blackberry 9800 has just released two days, geeks from abroad site CrackBerry BlackBerry released the BlackBerry Torch 9800 on the dismantling, and full video recording.Here we look through this video to BlackBerry sliding full keyboard plus touch this phone in the end, what kind of strangeness to it.
Can be seen from the video, BlackBerry Torch high degree of modularity, crackberry site who are all lined with the component, so we have some comprehension of the internal phone.Then everybody will see next Xiaobian BlackBerry Torch with each component.The first is a Blackberry 9800 Torch completely disassembled the whole family.
First half of the body and the battery cover pallets, agreeing to disassemble said, BlackBerry 9800 Torch produce is very clever, with a magnesium alloy sliding bearing pallets, a bit like a produce similar to the bumper of the car.
ãEureurleft to: pilotage touch panel TrackPad module right is: battery cover
ãEureurfirst half of the fuselage pallet
Screen disassembly
Dismantling the whole keyboard
But the focus of the next Photo!Is related to the motherboard underneath Dingdingyouming antenna module.Think of the new scandal iPhone4 antenna, antenna produce and the BlackBerry 9800 does not use the exposed design.
Under the black board is the antenna module
Body components in the box
Top left: 500w camera on the right: vibration motor BlackBerry maker Rim's prospects look bleak, Torch 9800 and Os6.0 with the introduction of the number of points "is not successful, it will pay the price," the sad and dreary.Rim has always been firmly in control of the U.S. firm market, but now, its defense has been torn by competitors.Apple announced last week that, in the Fortune 100 companies, over 80% of the firm is testing or deployment of iPhone.Meanwhile, the Google Android operating system based on the new phone seems to have began to emerge.They gave a lot of problem to bring Rim.
BlackBerry There is one final trump card.The new operating system, may be able to help it fight back.But left to its time is running out.Torch 9800 is for the Blackberry, this time can be met without resort.Apple's iPhone 4 released a rare mistakes occur, the antenna produce fault that Apple is temporarily on the defensive, which makes 9800 the chance to grab attention, no matter how short.
ãEureurblackberry 9800 is thought about a weapon to shut up the critics, after critics have complained that the BlackBerry browser awkward, boring, app store, and even the lack of vital touch.At this point, officially started the inaugurate of BlackBerry Os6.0 chance to fight back, a discern of the new operating system and modern interface of the chance to pledge your web browser will be faster, more accurate, easier to use also a good carrying out of the hardware.
In fact, the BlackBerry is not so much introduce new Torch 9800 exchange that started with the iPhone 4, as it is to Dafanshenzhang, because with the iPhone and other smart phones in the competition, BlackBerry is enduringly losing ground.According to shop explore firm Gartner, BlackBerry's shop share in the first quarter from a year earlier 55% to 41%, while the combined share of iPhone and Android phones by 23% over the same period last year, soared to 49%.If the BlackBerry last trump card can not turn things around, it should be the "New York Times" commented said, the BlackBerry is of course twilight, while the BlackBerry has declared an end to the era
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